INPADOC, which stands for International Patent Documentation Center, is an international patent collection that is produced and maintained by the European Patent Office (EPO). It contains patent families and legal status information, and is updated weekly.
An international Patent Family is a collection of applications or publications for an individual invention in more than one country, where the applications claim the same priority or priorities. All of these "family members" are related to one another by common priority numbers with associated priority dates. The concept of the patent family first emerged through the Paris Convention on the Protection of Industrial Property in 1883. As explained by the European Patent Office, there are several definitions of what constitutes a patent family.
If you request the inclusion of INPADOC Patent Family Members when you create a Patent Family Map™, IPVision will scan the INPADOC database. If any INPADOC patent family members are found they will be inserted at the bottom of the IPVision Patent Family Map™ as shown in the following example: |