CPC Class Tree Analysis

A CPC Class Tree Analysis displays the patent items in the format of the Classification Hierarchy structure according to the Primary Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) Group assigned to the patent or application by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office using the Cooperative Patent Classification System.

Class Hierarchy Tree Layout

The colored bars show the number of patents at each "node" of the Class Tree.

A "clear" bar at a node means that none of the patents in the list is in the Class Pair at that node.

The numbers in parenthesis - e.g. (0,13) are the number of patents at a "node" (0) and the number of patents "further out" on the branch (13).

Collapse or Expand the Class Tree View

You can "Collapse" or "Expand" the view of the Class Tree by clicking on the + or - boxes next to a Node.

In the example shown, the + indicates that there are more Nodes under CPC Group "B01D - Separation".

The "dark blue" portion of a bar shows the number of patents at that particular node - e.g., there are 4 patents at the "B60H1/00278 - for the battery" node.

Select Branches for Further Analysis

Clicking on the "Selecton Box" next to a Node selects that Node and the entire branch underneath it,

You can also "deselect" or "select" an individual node on a branch by clicking on that node's selection box.

Once you have selected the Nodes and Branches of interest, use the "Edit" Menu at the top of the page to convert the selected Nodes and Branches into a list of patents and/or applications.

Viewing Patents or Applications at a Node

Click on the title of a Node and the patents and/or applications on that branch appear in the viewing area to the right - in this case the 9 patents/applications in the branch that starts at Node B60H.

Right Click on any of the patents and/or applications to access the Detail Menu for that patent or application.

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